ICT Judas Swing Simplified

This is a very quick and simple explanation of the ICT Judas Swing concept with examples and illustrations. Thanks to Gokul for putting this together.
OLHC – Open Low High Close
Here the Low in the Bullish Distribution is Judas AKA Manipulation, Purpose :- It drips Retails into Shorts Giving Breakout Idea.

OHLC – Open High Low Close
Here the High in Bearish Distribution is the Judas AKA Manipulation, Purpose:- It drips Retails into Longs Giving Breakout Idea.

Example-AMD in A Bullish Scenario

Example-AMD in A Bearish Scenario

Where Do Judas Swings Take place?
Every candle Has Judas ,
Every Daily Profile has Judas , More likely London Session.
Every Weekly Profile has Judas , More likely Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
More Judas Swing Examples

This quick tutorial was presented thanks to the great work by trader Gokul. As mentioned before, you can check out more ICT Concepts, definitions and tutorial on the ICT Fair Value Gap, AMD, Asia Range , Market Maker Models , Volume by Price Trading, ICT Trading Range , ICT Liquidity Runs etc at the ICT Terminology section of this site.
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